Monday, May 18, 2009

Thing 24

Back to doing library Things. I spent a lot of time searching on Twitter for Scribner, Snyder and any combination of the two along with some of the businesses in town and I could not come up with anythng. If I use Fremont or Norfolk Nebraska, I get a few things, but most of the information is at least a day old. Most people around here do their status updates on Facebook, so I spend more time with Facebook then Twitter. I will keep trying to find Scribner or something on Twitter, but not holding out much hope.

I signed up for some Google alerts and I have been getting those daily. I will have to change them some, as a lot of it is the same information I get in Google reader. I also post family pictures on flickr. I had signed up for flickr activity earlier. I have had a few comments on my photos, usually someone wants the picture posted in a group.

1 comment:

Susan said...

If people in your community use Facebook, then it sounds like Facebook is the place to be! You may find a reference to Scribner on Twitter one of these days though. One of our participants didn't find any reference to her town when she first searched, then a couple weeks later someone whose band was playing a gig in her town tweeted it.