Tuesday, January 6, 2009


This is my video. (I even got it embedded on the first try. I am learning so much with these things.) I think it is so neat what some people can do with etch-a-sketch. Wish I could create something along these lines. Right, thats about all I can create is lines. This video just makes me ready for the baseball/softball season to start.

YouTube is so popular with the teens. It's scary to see what some people are willing to post about themselves. If (or when) we every get a web site, I would like the teens to be able to post library related videos to the site. Hopefully the videos would show the fun aspects of the library to encourage other teens to visit the library.

I could see promoting the summer reading program using YouTube. Or using YouTube to show different activities happening at the library.

1 comment:

books4york said...

We're looking at kids doing something with YouTube .. have to be careful about privacy issues, permissions, etc.

We had a "creepy guy" "favorite" one of our flickr images within seconds after we posted it, and a second person sent us a message "warning" us about "creepy guy" within minutes. The image does not show a face or other identifiable characteristics.